Friday, November 6, 2009

Come Back Again~~

After ignoring my blog for such a long time
here i come back again...
some people asked me to update my blog
some asked me why deleted previous blog
i just smiled...
no other reason,
just because i only can online during my working hours...
but whenever i can surf internet
i dun even have the mood to write blog coz of seeing 'The Kee'(my boss)...

I deleted the previous blog coz everytime i saw it...
i feel so stupid... so foolish... that's what i feel.

1 comment:

  1. I think your 'The Kee' almost same with my boss =.= fren, It has been a long time i din meet u..
    That day cal u for few times but u din answer...cuz that weekend i m going back to tampin and wanna ask whther wan to follow o not..
